It’s the beginning of a new year and a great time to think about what you want to accomplish in 2019. Me? My journey of personal growth continues. Two thousand eighteen was a year of contemplation. Through Tips Tuesday, I have shared I’ve been feeling out of sorts and less enthused about my work – unusual for me. So, in the fall I began exploring “what the heck is going on?” I wish I could say I have it all figured out, but not yet. I have gained a better understanding of myself and find myself returning to who I am meant to be.

If this sounds weird, I get it. The following activities have helped me and  If you are feeling like me, they could help you also.  Read on.

1. I started yoga. I was distracted and unsettled, and my mind was going in a zillion different direction. Daily I would start something, leave it, and move onto something else. I was anxious and stressed. Yoga brings focus to my thoughts and relaxation to my life. I joined a studio and found Yoga with Adriene on YouTube.   She is very good at instructing and offering videos on whatever your physical and/or emotional concern might be.  Check out this five-minute introduction to her newest 30-day series. Oh ya, her sessions aren’t more than 1/2 hour and they are FREE.
Yoga with Adriene

2.  I read three books that impacted my future:

  • StandOut 2.0 by Marcus Buckinghamprovided me with more information on my strengths and talents.  It includes an online survey (similar to Strengthfinder 2.0) and further identifies core potential. My #1 talent in this book is STIMULATOR which means I can read people’s energy. “I am acutely aware of energy in the room and feel compelled to elevate it” and, I am an instinctively positive person.  I have been less optimistic and energetic for more than a year and this book reminded me I need to reboot my brain.  Guess what?  I’M BACK. I am changing my thinking and enjoying life with intention. I am happier than I have been for some time now.  My new go-to phrase is “sunshine and rainbows.”
  • Start With Why by Simon Sinek is a good introductory book to his premise of finding your why.  I discovered his approach to life in the below video and felt a strong connection to his teachings.  Meeting and working with him is now on my bucket list.
  • Find Your Why, also by Simon, gave me an underlying purpose for what I do. His comment “What gets you up in the morning?”  resonated with me because I didn’t know.   I have always had trouble explaining to people what I “do.”  Now I share my why: 

Sharing knowledge while positively impacting people so they feel worthy, valued and successful.

Eureka!  That’s it.   It applies to me personally and professionally.  I went on to use his “Why Process” with a group of real estate professionals in defining their organization.  I trusted the outline and was amazed by the excellent result.
What gets you up in the morning?

3.  Enhancing my genius.  According to Marcus Buckingham, we all have talents, and although they are innate, the right way to channel them is not.  So, I’ve started intentionally spending time on my top strengths. Since I am a Stimulator, I’ve been exploring energy of all types.  I’ve been meditating, focusing on different Chakras, and learning about intuition.

4. Opportunity and Gratitude.  In September a friend provided a chance to work with a group of young veterinarians.  Her employer was embarking on a new endeavour to assist young vets in finding balance in their lives to keep them healthy, happy and successful over the long-term.  She asked me to be part of their initiative by providing inspiration at their gathering in Quebec City in December. I thought long and hard about what I could do in two hours, and then my direction came through a Blinkist email, reminding me things happen for a reason.  An oldie and goodie popped up – The 7 Habits of Highly Successful  People by Steven Covey which speaks to the beliefs I have been cultivating my entire career:

  1. Be Proactive: Take responsibility for your choices in life.
  2. Begin with the end in mind: Have a clear destination to work toward.
  3. Put first things first: Prioritize.
  4. Think Win-Win: Address conflict by thinking about mutually beneficial outcomes.
  5. Seek To Understand, Then Be Understood: Active listening and assertiveness go hand in hand.  Learn to communicate effectively.
  6. Synergize: One + One = Three. We can’t effectively and efficiently go it alone.  Partner with us.
  7. Sharpen the Saw: Renew yourself physically, spiritually, mentally and socially.

My return to the 7 Habits was an “Ah Hah” moment for me. I now have the opportunity to share my knowledge with young vets so they can feel worthy and valued. Perhaps I should add balanced to my why statement.  

As I continue to learn, my business evolves.  I am on the path of discovery and it’s clear that a chapter of my life is ending and new opportunities are coming my way.  I need to be open to them, explore them while understanding the answers are within me. 

I’m ready to fulfill my purpose in new and meaningful ways. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas below on how I might help you, your team, and your organization.  If you are looking for a coach, mentor, and confident, contact me and I will support you through your own journey of self-understanding, development, and purpose.

Karin Naslund
Educator, Coach, Mediator
She is the CEO of Naslund Consulting Group Inc. She uses her 28-year tenure as a leadership guru to mentor new managers and leaders toward greatness at work and home.

Karin is realizing her WHY every day:
Sharing knowledge while positively impacting people so they feel worthy, valued and successful.