Coach Me

Ignite Your Brilliance As A Confident, Competent, and Capable Leader

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When I started as a consultant and coach over 15 years ago, I remember my mentor telling me to “start where your clients are at.”  Since then I have focused services on that premise.  

  • I am not the expert of your life, but I can help you to get clear on what it looks like for you.
  • I am not going to tell you what to do, but I will help you consider options and then make an informed decision that you feel comfortable in implementing.  
  • I will not set goals for you, but I will help you consider what you want and put a plan in place to help you get there.
  • I won’t do the work for you, but I will support you in getting tasks done that you committed to doing.  

What can I do for you?

I will be your mentor and provide you with guidance, motivation and emotional support.  

But there’s much more to it.

As the Cheshire cat says “it doesn’t matter” where you go when you do not have vision and a plan.

If you don’t have a good answer for “What gets you up in the morning?

Then, we should talk.  

Featured  Online Courses

Communication skills improve your life, at work and at home.

FULL COURSEBuilding Confident Supervisors Online$368 CAD

This course is six modules of detailed training on being a supervisor.  You can download the comprehensive course handbook and work through the material at your own pace.

eBOOKa Leader’s Guide to Minimizing Gossip in the Workplace + BONUS$22 CAD

This eBook is a step-by-step guide for leaders, supervisors, and managers within organizations. Learn how to set the expectation for NO GOSSIP, provide a safe environment for conversations and support staff to have them. 

MINI-COURSEConflict:  How to Have Tough conversations at Work and at Home + BONUS$147 CAD 

Through educational material, personal exercises, ready-to-use tools and the 4 Step Interest-based Conflict Resolution Model, you’ll gain both skill and confidence in addressing those tough conversations head-on.

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

Arthur Ashe

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